About LCYC

The Lee County Youth Center opened for our initial program in 2012. We strive to provide quality, engaging activities in a safe and nurturing environment for the youth of Lee County. We focus on youth from completed K-12th grades.

We are a recreational program that does offer tutoring and mentoring as well. Enrolled participants come after school on Mondays-Fridays and receive a snack and enjoy a variety of supervised activities. 

We hold several fundraisers each year to help us support the center activities and staff. The LCYC exists mainly on donations, grants and gifts from our community supporters. We do charge minimal tuition for children enrolled in our program.

We are a non-profit organization that operates with volunteers, and a small number of part-time paid staff, including High School and College-age students, and are under the direction of a volunteer board of directors that meets monthly. The LCYC is NOT a licensed daycare, so our program is not licensed or regulated by the state.


Meet the board members!

The Lee County Youth Center is under the direction of a board that strives to keep a thriving environment for the youth.

Jo Ann Dibble Vice President.

Meredith Franks Board Member. “Mustard seed club, cooking school, mummies, castles, survival, bingo, darts, lollipop library and so many more fun things with adorable kids. Namaste, Meredith”

Charles Francis Board Member. “The Word of God instructs us to “train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it”. (Prov 22:6 KJV)  Elder Charles Francis believes the knowledge, experience, and wisdom entrusted to him was meant to be shared with others.  As such, he believes his mission is to share all that God has imparted to him with those God has placed within his sphere of influence, so that they are able to lead joyful, productive, fulfilling lives in keeping with their divinely-inspired purpose.”

Debbi Vance Board Member. “I wish to use my gifts and talents to improve the lives of others.”

Join the program today.